Passwords A while back I wrote a post on techniques to generate strong but memorable passwords. This clearly struck a chord with a number of you judging by the number of questions it sparked. One of the most commonly asked questions was whether it is better to have a single very strong password and use […]
Passwords – Strong or Memorable?
Passwords In our modern internet connected world we are constantly told that we need to use long complex passwords to keep out the bad people who want to steal our information and money. We are encouraged to use strong passwords, that is ones avoiding everyday words but including upper and lower case letters, numbers and punctuation […]
Key Future Skills for the water idustry
This Post This post is based on an editorial piece I wrote for the Q1 2016 Institute of Water Journal which was focused on current and future skills issues I think that the two most important future skills for the water industry are Measuring the Future and Non-Traditional Recruitment. Surprised? You shouldn’t be. It is […]
A trip down memory lane
The post below is about me racing motorcycles and some of my successes on my FZ750. Calling it one of “My Publications” may be stretching things just a bit, but I don’t care because: Doing it brought back happy memories of beating full 1100cc Superbikes on my little 750 It was chosen for publication by the […]