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Skills: perfect Storm Revisited

Or “why you should be worried by 47%” 47% is the proportion of staff an average UK water and sewerage company will need to replace or significantly retrain 2020-2030 according to EK Skills Workforce Planning Model which is accurate to ±5%. And it is happening now. Mega Trends Mega trends are large-scale, long-term forces that […]

Mastering the Art of Attracting and Nurturing Skilled Talent: Best Practices for Recruitment Marketing

Image via Pexels In today’s competitive business landscape, attracting and retaining skilled individuals is paramount for organizational success. Recruitment marketing plays a pivotal role in this endeavour. This article from Katie Conroy of Advice Mine explores the best practices that businesses should embrace to excel in their recruitment marketing efforts. Let’s see Katie’s take on […]

Cheap is good, free can be better

Libre Draw: A Good Alternative to Microsoft Visio for Most People Many years ago I read that for any product or service, you can have any two of Cheap, Fast and Good. This sits nicely alongside another saying “buy cheap, buy twice”, something I learned the hard way when racing powerful superbikes round my local […]

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